

Nov 21 - March 31
Mon–Fri  7:30–3:30
Saturdays    closed



March 27-November 19, 2022
Mon–Fri  7:00–4:30

Sat 8:00-Noon



Nov 21 - March 31
Mon–Fri  7:30–3:00
Saturdays    closed



March 27-November 19, 2022
Mon–Fri  7:00–4:00

Saturdays closed

Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. NH/VT Chapter


Material delivery prices are quoted upon request.


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  Used by the Green Mountain Horse Association in all of their arenas!

About EqueStep

Months of research preceded the decision by Green Mountain Horse Association to replace its' four acres of arena footing in order to give competitors the best possible experience.

The result is EqueStep, created masterfully by St. Pierre Inc. of Charlestown, NH, in consultation with Brian McNeil of E=MC Arenas. This successful equestrian footing product is a blend of processed, native sand and geotextile fiber imported from Austria.

The sand provides superior drainage, while the geotextile additive retains elasticity and bounce. The combination produces a firm, yet springy, dust reducing surface that is safe for your horses and your property!

EqueStep is exceptionally versatile and good for most every need. It has been tested in conditions ranging from torrential rain, wind, drought-like stretches, and 100 degree days.


Q. Can EqueStep be used indoors?

A. Yes, for all disciplines.

Q. How does the cost of EqueStep compare with other footing products?

A. The use of St. Pierre's locally sourced Arena Mix Sand makes this the most economical option among similar products.

Q. Will I need to add footing to my arena every year?

A. Every 2-3 years is typical, unless your arena sees very heavy use.

Q. What is the life expectancy of EqueStep?

A. With proper maintenance and average use, Equestep will last 12-15 years.

Q. Is EqueStep biodegradeable?

A. No, however old footing has many uses! Path surfaces, walkways, turnout areas, etc.

Q. Is EqueStep toxic?

A. No, EqueStep has undergone rigorous European safety tests and will not harm you, your horses, or the environment.

Q. Can I use just the Arena Sand Mix?

A. Absolutely! Though it will be less springy and need more moisture.


Quality footing is the best gift you can give your horse and yourself.

Keep your horse sound & enhance your performance as a team!


Call St. Pierre Inc. to discuss creating a new arena or updating your current ring with EqueStep. We can customize your surface for you and your horses!